By John Alvino
Do you struggle to lose belly fat? I bet you think you have bad genetics, don’t you? You probably believe that you’ve tried every possible program or technique out there to try to burn your stubborn belly fat, but it just never seems to work... does it?
I'm sure you’ve seen countless advertisements making “too good to be true” miracle claims, promising that you will lose belly fat EASILY with their “magic” cream, pill or hyped-up infomercial ab-gadget.
Come on now! Let’s get real. I want to make sure that those deceitful marketers have insulted your intelligence for the very last time. Let's get past the gimmicks and get right down to what really works. I want to help you win the battle of the bulge forever. Trust me, it’s easier than you think.
It is important to understand that both proper nutrition and targeted training must work synergistically if you want to lose belly fat at an accelerated pace. So let’s discuss both of these important aspects to ensure that you get on the right path towards achieving your very own set of six pack abs.
The first critical principle to help you get rid of your belly fat revolves around your nutrition plan. It’s important to realize that typical dieting actually PREVENTS your body from losing belly fat. You see, if you follow any diet that forces you to constantly restrict one of the macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat), something very unfortunate occurs: you will lose weight, but the majority of that weight will come from your lean muscle, NOT from body fat!
Losing lean muscle is the last thing you want to do. It makes you look terrible, and even worse, it lowers your metabolism, which will immediately stop your fat loss plan dead in its tracks! Once your metabolism starts to drop, you will find it almost impossible to lose any body fat at all. As you can see, the wrong diet can have drastic effects on your body.
You see, our bodies are meant to eat a diet full of a diverse array of foods from healthy, natural sources of carbohydrates, proteins, AND fats. This type of nutritional plan provides your body with all of the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally as a healthy and efficient fat-burning machine!
Now let’s talk about the second and equally important principle: how to properly structure your workouts. In order to burn your stomach fat, you need to stop wasting your time performing traditional abdominal exercises such as crunches, leg lifts, and side bends in the hopes of burning your belly fat and love handles.
The truth is you will not lose belly fat by doing exercises that target the stomach area. Unfortunately, most trainees don’t know this. Thus, they spend WAY too much of their training time trying to target their stomach with countless repetitions of various ab exercises.
Now don't get me wrong, performing the correct number of abdominal exercises is important, and when done properly, they can carve the abdominal musculature, strengthen your midsection and help you maintain a healthy back. But the fact is that direct ab exercises should only be a small portion of your workout routines. The majority of your time should be spent focusing on multi-joint exercises that primarily work the major muscle groups of the body like the legs, chest and back, while working the abs secondarily as a stabilizer.
By focusing your attention on the major muscle groups, you will stimulate your metabolic rate both during and after your workouts. In addition, you will also increase the level of fat-burning hormones within your body. You simply can’t get this type of metabolic and hormonal response by cranking out endless sets of various types of crunches.
So if you want to lose belly fat fast, try doing some squats, lunges, step-ups, rows, pulls, and a variety of presses and dead lifting movements.
You must also remember to perform each workout at a high intensity. That means no 5-minute rest periods between sets while you try to make new friends at the water fountain! Keep in mind that losing your belly fat for good requires some intensity in your workouts, so you need to be completely focused and “all business” when you are training!
And in case you were wondering, please know this: Anybody who tells you that you can lose belly fat quickly by popping some pill or by sitting on your recliner while watching TV with some "ab-belt" strapped to your belly is lying straight to your face!
I could go on and on about more strategies for losing your belly fat fast, the natural way, but that would be beyond the scope of this article. Start to put even these basic principles into practice, and you will start to lose belly fat faster than you thought you ever could!
Click Here To Learn How To Get A Six Pack As Fast As Possible.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Ultimate Strategy To Lose Belly Fat Rapidly
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Why Weight Lifting Is An Exercise That Delivers Top Health Benefits
By Vince DelMonte
While some individuals are strictly interested in obtaining muscle for aesthetics, for most people, this isn’t an interest. Instead, you’re more interested in knowing what health benefits weight lifting will have for you…
Far too many people overlook the many health and fitness benefits that weight training has to offer, and because of this, experience problems down the road with their body such as decreased bone density, a slowed metabolic rate, increased stress levels and other negative consequences that are associated with constant stress.
Increased Bone Density
Weight lifting, being one of the best weight bearing exercises you can do, will increase your bone density and help ward off osteoporosis or stress fractures in the future.
Many people think running is the best exercise for increasing bone density, but this isn’t necessarily true. If the truth is told, running actually promotes muscle breakdown in the body, while weight lifting, being an anabolic process, helps to promote the building of tissues.
Therefore, weight lifting is going to be much better at preserving your bone mass, not to mention it’s far less impact than going for an hour run.
Decreased Frequency of Injuries
When you strength train, not only are your muscles going to get stronger, but you’ll also work the ligaments and tendons that are connecting bones, muscles, and other tissues, thus reducing the chance they become injured when participating in other physical activities.
If you’ve ever been injured, you know just how frustrating this can be. In about 80% of all injury cases, the injury is a direct result of a tendon, ligament, or muscle not being strong enough when a stressful force is applied.
Since weight training will really hit all those deep tendons and ligaments, it’s the best injury prevention out there.
Reduction of Health Related Risks
Numerous studies have demonstrated that regular weight training can have a positive effect on health by showing reductions in the rate of insulin resistance, blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.
If you couple a solid weight training program then with a well-thought out diet, you’ll be putting your best foot forward at warding off these chronic problems
Prevention of Fat Gain
The more you weight lift, the higher your metabolism will be, thus the more food you can eat while maintaining your weight. If that isn’t good news for your future and the fight against body fat, I’m not sure what is.
Now, with all of this said, one big problem many people run into is the thinking pattern that using a muscle building program will make you big and bulky.
This is most certainly not the case.
Let’s look at an analogy to gain an understanding of this.
Pretend you have two teams and each are going to try and build a house using the exact same building technique.
One team is given 10,000 bricks to construct this house, and the second team is given only 1,000 bricks.
Who’s going to build the bigger house?
The choice should be obvious – team one since they have more bricks to build it with.
Now, think of those bricks as being the calories you put into your body. Unless you’re supplying enough calories, you aren’t going to build really big muscles. This is precisely what makes bodybuilders look like bodybuilders.
It’s not just about the way they train, but more about the way they eat (if you’ve ever had a teenage son in the growing process in your house, you likely know just how much food must be consumed when growing at rapid rates).
Whether it’s growing in height during puberty or trying to build bigger muscles later on, calories must be supplied for this growth process to take place.
You can’t build a house out of nothing. Likewise, you can workout all you want, but if those building blocks – in the form of amino acids, carbohydrates, and dietary fats are not there, you aren’t going to see too much muscle growth.
So, don’t get caught thinking that just because you add weight lifting to your workouts, you’re going to develop large bulky muscles. If you control your diet, this simply will not happen.
So, hopefully it is clear now that just because you’re weight lifting, it does not mean you will end up with bulky muscles as a result. Many people make this incorrect assumption – but it really is the diet that makes all the difference in how this weight lifting will shape your body.
When you make the decision to work with me using my 6-Pack Ab Quest program, I’ll take you through the weight lifting and ab techniques that will provide maximum results with minimal effort on your part (why spend more time in the gym than you have to?), as well as provide you with meal plans that are custom designed to ensure you get the best results from your training without the muscle bulk – in fact, the plans are formulated to help you shed the fat so you look leaner and more defined.
Not choosing to include weight training as part of your current workout program is without-a-doubt the biggest mistake you could make as far as your long-term health and fitness level is concerned. Don’t let this exercise pass you by any longer.
About the Author:
Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at
He also specializes in teaching skinny guys how to get a six-pack and build muscle, without drugs, supplements and training less than before with his program found at
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
How To Lose Weight Without Spending Endless Hours Exercising
Warp Speed Fat Loss Review
First off, Warp Speed Fat Loss is a very cool concept. The idea that you have in your hands the exact step by step rapid weight loss blueprint that can help you lose 8lbs in the first week and up to 21lbs in just 28 days is very exciting.
Warp Speed Fat Loss is broken up into two main parts - diet and training. The good thing is you can be a complete idiot in both areas and still lose as boatload of weight since everything is laid out for you.
In regards to the diet. It is put together by nutritionist and fat loss master Mike Roussell. Mike has created a ton of different “diet levels” so all you need to do is
1. Know your body weight and
2. Print out the 28 day diet plan for that body weight. If you don’t like the foods Mike picked out that is okay as he made some really easy to follow videos that show you how to add your favorite foods to his diets.
The training part of Warp Speed Fat Loss isn’t a walk in the park; but if anyone told you that you could lose 20lbs of fat in just 4 weeks without a solid exercise program they’d be telling you lies. It isn’t like you have to spend your whole day in the gym either as each of the workouts are over in less than 57 minutes.
The Warp Speed Fat Loss program has already given hundreds of people results were nothing short of phenomenal. If you are looking for a brain dead simple guaranteed way to lose weight fast then definitely check out Warp Speed Fat Loss. You can pick up your copy at
"Free Fat Loss Course and Book!"
This is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time.
Fitness pro Jon Benson released a bombshell last week on the fat-burning world.
He is giving away a book's worth of material in his freee 7-Day Personal Fat Loss Certification Course.
Freee... and get this: Anyone who completes the course gets his book "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint" freee as well.
So there's nothing to buy at all... in fact you get tons of freee stuff AND you can even earn bucks in the program.
It's just too cool for words.
So go see it for yourself: <--- freee fat loss Course and book
Here is a short review:
The Course is for anyone who wants to become their own "personal" fat loss expert. It is complete with a quiz each day and more material than most people sell in a book... and it's totally freee.
After the course, you get his "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" freee too. This is all about how he and a group of "guinea pigs" experimented with natural techniques and got up to 21 lbs of unwanted body fat off in just 21 days.
The average was 17.5, but some people got as much as 30 lbs off.
All with little to no muscle lost.
It then outlines the 'exact' workout and supplement "feeding" schedule Jon still uses to get into top shape in 21 days.
This is down to the 'hour'... and it includes home workouts or gym workouts. Your choice.
This is his gift to my readers, and I am thrilled to share it with you.
Here you go: <--- freee fatloss Course and book
Enjoy the course!
Healthy meal planning begins with your starting point:
Healthy meal planning begins with your starting point:
Estimate your daily caloric needs. Your daily calorie needs (also called Weight Maintenance Calorie level) in simplified terms is the sum of your basal metabolic energy (also referred to as basal metabolic rate or BMR) and your Activity Energy.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)- Your BMR refers to the energy your body expends performing involuntary functions such as circulating blood, breathing, glandular activity, contraction of the intestines, etc. All these processes require energy. Test data show that the BMR depends on gender, age, height and weight.
Activity Energy & Activity Levels- Your activity level depends on how physically active you are. This leads to the amount of energy you expend over and above your basal energy. What’s your body composition?
Body composition defined as the ratio of lean body mass to body fat mass. Lean body mass includes structural and functional elements in cells, body water, bones, muscles, liver, heart, kidneys, etc. Body fat is of two types such as essential fat and storage fat. Essential fat is required for normal physiological functioning. Storage fat constitutes the fat reserves of the body. Body composition is the percent of body fat mass and percent of lean body mass.
What’s your BMI? Another accurate judge of body weight is BMI, which stands for Body Mass Index. BMI calculates a weight to height ratio and assigns a number to the result. The higher the BMI number above the normal range, the greater the degree of overweight. A BMI of 27 or above is overweight and 30 or above is severely overweight. The higher the BMI number above the normal range, the greater the degree of overweight and the greater the risk for weight related health problems.
What’s your body fat? This is the amount of body fat you carry, your body fat percentage, makes a difference to your body shape and your health.
Your physique is affected by body fat percentage because muscle tissue is more compact than fat - a balloon containing 1lb of muscle tissue would be smaller than a balloon containing 1lb of fat!
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